BULLIES | Bullies are not evil. They are people living with their own fear and pain (which might include abuse or other trauma). This does not justify bullying, but it may help you understand that whatever a bully says/does is NOT about you and is NOT a reflection on your value as a human being. Regard what a bully says as that person’s ‘opinion’. You never have to agree with an insulting ‘opinion’. view snippet
STUPID×Decline an insulting gesture whenever possible. view snippet CUPCAKE× |
YOU have the power to decide who your friends are. Instead of trying to get a person or group to accept you, ask yourself What do I think about this person/group? Would the friendship be based on kindness? A person can be nice but not necessarily kind. A nice person behaves nicely because he/she is looking for approval. A nice person primarily wants others to like him/her. A kind person behaves kindly because he/she believes in doing what is best for others. A kind person cares primarily about showing compassion for others. view snippet EXCLUSIVES× |
Use your voice as an alarm when appropriate. Instead of always relying on the help of a teacher or other authority, you could politely and loudly respond to a bully. This will draw attention to what the bully is doing and possibly enlist the help of those around you. view snippet PUSHING× |